La mia bella famiglia italiana
My Beautiful Italian Family
Director: Olaf Kreinsen
Cast: Alessandro Preziosi, Tanja Wedhorn, Peppino Mazzotta, Karin Proia, Patrick Mölleken, Nunzia Schiano, Nicola Rignanese, Michele Di Virgilio, Elmar Gehlen, Franco Paltera, Chiara Paoli, Umberto Sardella
Paolo is a 45-year-old Italian who has lived in Germany for twenty years. One day his brother calls him to give him the news of his mother’s death. Paolo and his wife immediately travel to Italy, only to realize that it was nothing but a hoax: the mother is quite well and Paolo is needed merely to resolve some serious budgetary shortfalls. The stay turns out to have powerful dramatic consequences, as Paolo is forced to confront his past. His family ties slowly unravel, bringing shock and revelations to everyone involved.
Year: 2013
Genre: Drama
Duration: 100 min.
Production: RAI Fiction, Rowboat Film, Beta Film
Distributor: RAI
Screening Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Colossus
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Olaf Kreinsen
Olaf Kreinsen
Olaf Kreinsen was born in 1960 in West Germany. He studied linguistics as well as film and theater at the University of Hamburg. He works mainly as a film director, dividing his time between movies and TV series. As of 1994 Olaf has been the director and writer of numerous TV movies for major German and Austrian broadcasting companies. In the last few years he has won several awards for photography, particularly documentary photography. Standing out amongst his major works is the TV movie My Beautiful Italian Family.

Dopo due decenni che ha lasciato la Puglia in seguito ad un incidente dalle cause sconosciute, Paolo è costretto a rientrare dalla Germania per le gravi condizioni di salute della madre. Accompagnato dalla moglie Martina, con cui è in crisi, Paolo scopre però che la malattia della madre era solo una scusa escogitata dal fratello minore Totò per farlo tornare a casa ed essere d’aiuto alla difficile situazione economica della famiglia. Riprendendo a poco a poco contatto con la sua terra natale, Paolo riscoprirà i legami familiari e conoscerà Gina, una ragazza che nasconde un segreto legato a lui.
Anno: 2013
Genere: Drammatico
Durata: 100 min.
Produzione: Rai Fiction, Rowboat Film, Beta Film
Distribuzione: Rai
Orario: 7:00 PM
Sala: Colossus
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Olaf Kreinsen
Olaf Kreinsen
Olaf Kreinsen nasce il 13 Maggio 1960 a Gummersbach, nord Rhine-Westphalia, Germania Ovest. Lavora principalmente come regista, dividendosi spesso tra cinema e tv. Tra le sue opere di maggior rilievo spicca il film per la tv, La mia bella famiglia italiana.