Director: Claudio Santamaria
Cast: Claudio Santamaria, Isabella Ferrari, Evita Ciri, Marco Travaglio, Roberto De Francesco
Genre: Drama
Duration: 105 min.
Production: Classic, Cinecittà
World Sale: Classic
March 5, 2015
6:30 pm Reception
8:00 pm Screening
Colossus Vaughan
3555 Highway 7 West
March 20, 2015
7:00 pm Reception
Maison Mercer
15 Mercer Street
9:00 pm Screening
Tiff Bell Lightbox
350 King Street West
Non members
$ 40 Reception and Movie
$ 13+hst Movie Ticket
Buy Now
Language: Italian Subtitles: English
Bruno is a drug rep. His company, the ‘Zafer’, is going through a difficult time. So as not to lose his job, Bruno is willing to bribe doctors, deceive colleagues, betray the trust of the people closest to him.
He is the last link in the chain in the illegal yet widespread practice called “detailing”, which pharmaceutical companies resort to as a way to manipulate doctors by convincing them to prescribe their own products and not the competitors’.
And while some doctors refuse to go along, many others have no such scruples. Bruno may seem to be a monster, yet he is nothing other than the product of the society around him: he embodies its contradictions, anxiety, corruption and impunity.
Bruno fa l’informatore medico. La sua azienda, la ‘Zafer’, sta vivendo un momento difficile.
Pur di non perdere il suo posto di lavoro, Bruno è disposto a corrompere medici, a ingannare colleghi, a tradire la fiducia delle persone a lui più vicine. Bruno è l’ultimo anello nella catena del ‘comparaggio’, una pratica illegale che la Zafer, come molte altre case farmaceutiche, attua per convincere i medici a prescrivere i propri farmaci. E se alcuni dottori si rifiutano di prestarsi a questo gioco, molti di loro non si sottraggono affatto.