Yellowbird (3D)
Director: Christian De Vita
Cast: Seth Green, Dakota Fanning, Christine Baranski, Danny Glover
All schools that book this film will be entered into a draw for an animation workshop given by Max The Mutt Animation Studio. The workshop will take place after the screening. The winner will be notified a week prior to the screening.
Yellowbird lives in the ruins of an old house. He lacks the confidence to leave his home, no matter how much Bug, his labybird friend, tries to convince him to go out into the world.
Country: Italy / France
Genre: Animation
Duration: 90 min.
Year: 2014
Production: TeamTO-Haut et Court
WED May 20, 2015
10:30 am
TIFF Bell LightBox, 350 King St W
School Groups Buy Ticket
English language
Single Ticket: $12 Adult | $8 Child
*There will be a $1 charge per person for 3D glasses
Attempts to toughen him up have had little success, so Bug seizes an opportunity that leaves Yellowbird unexpectedly finding himself the new leader of the flock that is migrating to Africa. Still, lacking faith in his own abilities and with danger and imminent failure lurking around every corner, our feathered hero is forced to either find the strength required to work with the team or bow out and stay hidden away forever.

Christian De Vita
Christian De Vita
Having worked closely with Wes Anderon and Tim Burton and with over 20 years experience in cartoons for television and cinema, initially as a traditional 2D animator, then as storyboard artist and finally as director, Christian worked for studios as diverse as Disney, Warner Bros, Aardman and Fox. Studying cinematography and animation at the Roberto Rossellini Institute of Film in Rome gave him the strong basis he needed to enter the world of animation and film. Yellowbird is his first full length 3D animated feature film, to be released in 2015 and produced by TeamTo, Haut & Court, La Cie Cinématographique & Panache.
Yellowbird vive tra le macerie di una casa in rovina. Nonostante la sua compagna Bug lo esorti a lasciare il nido per esplorare il mondo, l’uccellino non se la sente di correre dei rischi.
Genere: Animazione
Durata: 90′
Anno: 2014
Produzione: TeamTO – Haut et Court
Mercoledì 20 maggio
10:30 am
TIFF Bell LightBox, 350 King St W
School Groups Buy Ticket
Lingua Inglese
Biglietto singolo: $12 Adulti | $8 Ragazzi
Dopo molti tentativi andati a vuoto, Bug riesce a spronarlo mettendolo inaspettatamente alla guida dello stormo in procinto di migrare verso l’Africa. All’inizio Yellowbird non sa affrontare i pericoli del viaggio e sembra smarrito ma, a poco a poco, trova dentro di sé il coraggio e la sicurezza del leader.

Christian De Vita
Christian De Vita
Christian De Vita ha collaborato con Wes Anderon e Tim Burton, maturando esperienza ventennale nell’animazione sia per la TV che per il cinema presso la Disney, Warner Bros, Aardman e la Fox. Inizialmente animatore 2D, ha lavorato anche come “storyboard artist” e infine come regista.
Gli studi in cinematografia e animazione all’Istituto Roberto Rossellini di Roma gli hanno garantito basi solide per entrare nel mondo dei film e dell’animazione.
Yellowbird è il suo primo film di animazione in 3D, in uscita nel 2015 e prodotto da TeamTo, Haut & Court, La Cie Cinématographique & Panache.