Director: Giovanni Veronesi
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Duration: 90 min.
Year: 2014
Production: Fandango
Distributor: Fandango
Language: Italian
Subtitles: English
February 3rd, 2017
9:00 pm Screening
Tiff Bell Lightbox
(350 King St W)
February 16th, 2017
8:00 pm Screening
Colossus Vaughan
(3555 Highway 7 West)
$ 13+hst Movie Ticket
*Once you have purchased the ticket, please print your receipt and bring it with you to the event. It will serve as your admission ticket.
Francesco and Claudia are best friends. Francesco is an awkward and funny criminal lawyer and Claudia is a French-Italian vet, as exuberant and free-spirited as she is beautiful.
There are no secrets between them. They share everything, and have fun together like children. Claudia even has the keys to Francesco’s apartment, and comes and goes as she pleases!
But when Claudia meets Giovanni, a forest ranger who is completely taken with her and soon wins her love, Francesco finds himself forced to deal with unexpected discomfort and jealousy.
Soon, this begins to affect their relationship, forcing the question: can men and women really be just friends?
Francesco e Claudia sono belli, giovani e molto amici. Lui è un avvocato, impacciato e spiritoso.
Lei è veterinaria italo-francese, un’anima libera, sensuale e anticonfomista.
Tra loro non ci sono segreti, ma quando nella vita di Claudia arriva Giovanni e lei decide di sposarlo, Francesco si accorge che l’amicizia fra uomo e donna è più complicata del previsto.
Equivoci, sentimenti e grandi risate nell’eterno incontro-scontro tra uomo e donna.