Director: Matteo Rovere
Genre: Action | Drama
Duration: 110 min.
Year: 2016
Production: Fandango | Rai Cinema
Distributor: Fandango
Language: Italian
Subtitles: English
March 9th, 2017
8:00 pm Screening
Colossus Vaughan
(3555 Highway 7 West)
March 24th, 2017
9:00 pm Screening
Tiff Bell Lightbox
(350 King St W)
$ 13+hst Movie Ticket
*Once you have purchased the ticket, please print your receipt and bring it with you to the event. It will serve as your admission ticket.
The De Martino family have always had motor oil and gasoline flowing in their veins: they have been putting together and racing cars for generations.
Mario, the head of the family, is forced to give way to his very young and exceptionally talented daughter Giulia.
She is joined by her 40 year old brother Loris, a former driver, totally unreliable, but with an extraordinary sense of trajectories and highly knowledgeable about engines.
Together, they will have to return to the track and win, while escaping their demons and learning what it means – and hard it is – to be a family.
Nelle vene della famiglia De Martino scorrono da sempre olio motore e benzina. Preparano auto da corsa e crescono piloti da generazioni.
Mario, il capofamiglia, sarà costretto a lasciare il posto alla giovanissima figlia Giulia, un talento eccezionale, affiancata dal fratello Loris, ex pilota quarantenne totalmente inaffidabile, ma con una straordinaria conoscenza di traiettorie e preparazione dei motori. Insieme saranno obbligati a tornare in pista e vincere, fuggendo dai loro demoni e imparando cosa significhi e quanto sia difficile essere una famiglia.