Il Sogno di Francesco
Brotherhood: A Life with Saint Francis
Directed by: Renaud Fély
Produced by: Aeternam Films
Distributed by: Parthenos, Haut et Court
Italy – France | 2016 | Drama | Italian (ON) French (QC) | English Subtitles | 90 min
Cast: Elio Germano, Jérémie Renier, Yannick Renier , Eric Caravaca
In Partnership with
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Date | Time | City | Location | Buy |
10 June 2017 | TBD PM | Vancouver | Rio Theatre | Buy |
11 June 2017 | 6:00 PM | Vaughan | Cineplex Cinemas | Buy | Redeem Package |
14 June 2017 | 9:00 PM | Montreal | Cinémathèque | Buy |
More Information

Italy, 1209, surrounded by convinced and devoted friends, Francis of Assisi seeks purity and innocence among the poor. The Church and Pope Innocent III don’t trust him and become very suspicious. The intrusion of the high authority will create divisions within the order. Francis is summoned by the Church to rewrite the founding text of their brotherhood which will become the Order of the Minor Friars. As Francis becomes blind and moves away from his family, Elie de Cortone, his long-time friend, amends some passages of Francis’ text to satisfy Cardinal Hugolin and Pope Innocent III.
Renaud Fély
Renaud Fély begins his career as stage and director’s assistant. Ferran chooses him as second-unit director on Lady Chatterley. Prize-winner of the Emergence Workshops, he is awarded an advance-on-receipts to direct his first film, Pauline and François.
Arnaud Louvet
Before working at the Aeternam Films as a producer and partner, Louvet works at Arte TV channel for 10 years. In 2010 he produces Fely’s first film Pauline and François, and Virage Nord in 2015, aired on Arte.

Inverno 1209. Nei boschi dell’Umbria Francesco condivide con Elia Da Cortona ed i suoi fratelli un’esperienza radicale. L’ordine francescano non è ancora riconosciuto dal Papa, e Francesco non è ancora il Santo cui oggi milioni di credenti in tutto il mondo rivolgono le proprie preghiere ma è già seguito da molti credenti. Elia Da Cortona, amico di Francesco da una vita e suo compagno di viaggio, vuole convincerlo ad addolcire la regola di vita affinché venga finalmente riconosciuta dal Papa e possa essere seguita dai fedeli anche dopo la morte di Francesco.
Renaud Felt
Renaud Fély comincia la sua carriera come assistente di produzione. Ferran lo sceglie come regista di seconda unità per Lady Chatterley. Viene premiato all’Emergence Workshop con il budget necessario a finanziare il suo primo film, Pauline and François.
Arnaud Louvet
Prima di entrare a far parte dell’Aeternam Films come produttore e socio, Louvet lavora per dieci anni per il canale televisivo Arte. Nel 2010 produce il primo film di Renaud Fely Pauline and François e nel 2015 la mini serie televisiva Virage Nord andata in onda su Arte.

Plan du Film
En 1209, en Italie, entouré d’amis et de disciples convaincus et dévoués, François d’Assise recherche la pureté et l’innocence auprès des plus démunis. Il s’attire ainsi la méfiance de l’Eglise et du pape Innocent III. Cette intrusion de la haute autorité va créer des divisions au sein de l’ordre. François est sommé par l’Eglise de réécrire le texte fondateur de leur fraternité qui deviendra l’Ordre des frères mineurs. Alors que François devient aveugle et s’éloigne des siens, Elie de Cortone, son ami de longue date, corrige certains passages du texte de François pour satisfaire le cardinal Hugolin et le pape Innocent III.
Biographie du réalisateur
Renaud Felt
Autodidacte, il s’est formé sur le tas, notamment comme assistant de différents réalisateurs. Il s’est mis en évidence, en 2006, aux côtés de Pascale Ferran qui a tourné le remarquable Lady Chatterley dans le Limousin.
Arnaud Louvet
Avant de rejoindre la société Aeternam Films comme producteur et associé, Louvet travaille pendant dix ans au sein de l’Unité Fictions d’Arte. En 2010, il produit le premier film de Renaud Fély, Pauline and François et, en 2015, la mini- série télévisée Virage Nord diffusée sur Arte.