The Space Between
The Space Between
Directed by: Ruth Borgobello
Produced by: Ideacinema, Mondo Studio Films
Distributed by: Istituto Luce Cinecittà, Fandango, Palace Films
Italy – Australia | 2016 | Drama | English & Italian | English Subtitles | 98 min
Cast: Flavio Parenti, Lino Guanciale, Maeve Dermody
In Attendance: Ruth Borgobello (Director)
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Date | Time | City | Location | Buy |
14 June 2017 | 6:45 PM | Toronto | TIFF Bell Lightbox | Buy | Redeem Package |
15 June 2017 | 8:00 PM | Vaughan | Cineplex Cinemas | Buy | Redeem Package |
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Marco is 35, and works at a factory in Udine, Northern Italy to be there and nurse his ailing father. Although his real passion is cooking and Marco dreams of being a chef, he declines a job at a restaurant in Melbourne using his father as an excuse. Everything changes when his best friend passes away; Marco takes over his failing bookstore, and it’s here that he meets Olivia, a spirited Australian chasing her dream, and visiting family in the region. There’s an instant attraction between them, as they’re both trying to find their place in the world. They discover love, but it’s difficult as they live in two separate places with a great distance between them. Against the stunning vineyards, rugged mountains and blue Adriatic of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, these two very different people find themselves on a journey that will change their lives forever.
Ruth Borgobello
Borgobello graduated from Victorian College of the Arts in 2002. As well as directing commercials, she has made well-received shorts such as Claudia’s Shadow and The Gift which
have screened at festivals such as Tribeca Film Festival, Flickerfest and Interfilm Berlin. Borgobello’s first feature is the result of eight years of hard work and persistence. Originally she intended The Space Between to be shot and set in Australia, but after spending time in Italy developing the screenplay, she decided to shoot around Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Il protagonista è Marco, un trentacinquenne che lavora presso una fabbrica di Udine. Il suo lavoro però non lo gratifica, anche perché preferirebbe fare il cuoco. La crisi economica italiana però lo costringe a non poter cambiare vita. Ha molte donne, ma mai una storia fissa. Tutto cambia quando muore il suo migliore amico Claudio; Marco prende in gestione la sua libreria, cercando di salvare l’attività. Proprio lì incontra Olivia, una ragazza australiana che vive di sogni e si trova in Italia per far visita ai parenti friulani. Tra i due c’è subito intesa, visto che entrambi cercano un “loro posto nella vita”. Scoppia l’amore, ma è tutto molto complicato, visto che vivono in Paesi lontanissimi.
Ruth Borgobello
La Borgobello si laurea nel 2002 al Victorian College of the Arts. Oltre a dirigere spot pubblicitari, lavora a cortometraggi di successo come Claudia’s Shadow e The Gift, con i quali partecipa a diversi festival tra cui il Tribeca Film Festival e l’Interfilm di Berlino. Il primo prodotto cinematografico della Borgobelloè il prodotto di otto anni di duro lavoro. In origine pensava di ambientare e girare The Space Between in Australia, ma dopo aver trascorso del tempo in Italia per sviluppare la sceneggiatura, decide di realizzare il film in Friuli Venezia Giulia.