Down By Law - Retrospective - ICFF - Italian Contemporary Film FestivalICFF – Italian Contemporary Film Festival

Down By Law – Retrospective

Dawn By Law

An introduction (5-10 minutes) by Roberto Benigni and Nicoletta Braschi to a screening of Down By Law followed by a Q&A (20 minutes)

Director: Jim Jarmusch

Cast: Roberto Benigni, Tom Waits, John Lurie

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Three men, previously unknown to each other, are arrested in New Orleans and placed in the same cell. Both Zack, a disc jockey, and Jack, a pimp, have been set up, neither having committed the crime for which they have been arrested. Their cellmate Bob (Benigni, in his first international role), an Italian tourist who understands minimal English, was imprisoned for manslaughter.

Country: USA
Year: 1986
Genre: Drama
Duration: 107 min.
Production: PolyGram Pictures, Island Pictures, Black Snake
Distributor: Universal Pictures


6 June 2015
Screening Time: 8:00 PM
Location: TIFF Bell Lightbox
Available through TIFF Box Office. For any questions or additional information please call 1.888.599.8433

Jim Jarmusch

Jim Jarmusch

Jim Jarmusch was first inspired to make film on an exchange to Paris. Upon his return he attended New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. Since his schooling he has continued to make independent films. He has a deadpan wit and a minimalist style, and his movies often follow the theme of popular perceptions of America viewed by outsiders.


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Tre sconosciuti si ritrovano in un carcere di New Orleans a condividere la stessa cella: Zack, un disc jockey-truffatore; Jack, uno sfruttatore di prostitute; e Bob, un turista italiano con conoscenze minime di inglese, imprigionato per omicidio involontario.

Nazione: USA
Anno: 1986
Genere: Drammatico
Duration: 107 min.
Produzione: PolyGram Pictures, Island Pictures, Black Snake
Distribuzione: Universal Pictures


6 giugno 2015
Orario: 8:00 PM
Location: TIFF Bell Lightbox
Available through TIFF Box Office. For any questions or additional information please call 1.888.599.8433

Jim Jarmusch

Jim Jarmusch

Dopo un viaggio studio a Parigi che lo ispira a intraprendere la carriera cinematografica, Jarmusch decide di iscriversi alla New York University Tisch School of the Arts, dove studia fino a diventare tra i più importanti registi del cinema indipendente americano. I suoi lavori, dallo spiccato stile minimalista, hanno spesso come protagonista la rappresentazione dell’America dagli occhi di personaggi alienati, ai margini della società americana.


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