Bella Vita - ICFF - Italian Contemporary Film FestivalICFF – Italian Contemporary Film Festival

Bella Vita

Bella Vita

Director: Jason Baffa

Cast: Conner Coffin, Parker Coffin, Chris Del Moro, Leonardo Fioravanti, Lauren L.Hill, Dave Rastovich

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Born of mistral winds and witness to the birth of Western Civilization, the waves of the Italian coast have carried merchants, fishermen, travelers and kings. Preserved like a Roman ruin, the surf of the Italian coast now carries surfer, artist, and environmentalist Chris Del Moro on a pilgrimage back to his ancestral homeland to explore a culture where old-world-convention and traditional craftsmanship have matured into a modern surf lifestyle. Filmmaker Jason Baffa chronicles Chris and his friends Dave Rastovich, Lauren Lyndsey Hill, Conner & Parker Coffin and Italian stand-outs Alessandro Ponzanelli and Leonardo Fioravanti as they explore the burgeoning new surf culture blossoming among the Mediterranean’s oldest and cherished traditions – an intimate and powerful journey of self-discovery, seeped in culture and passion.
Country: Italy/USA
Year: 2013
Genre: Documentary, Adventure, Biography
Duration: 82 min.


June 13 2015
Screening Time: 2:25 PM
Location: TIFF Bell Lightbox
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Jason Baffa

Jason Baffa

Award winning filmmaker, Jason Baffa, has been working on his craft for over 30 years. On the heels of his independent film success with One California Day and Singlefin: yellow, Baffa continues to work as a director/dp and has shot multiple commercial and film assignments for advertisers, studios and other filmmakers.



co-presented with Surf Ontario


Bella Vita ritrae il legame ricco e autentico tra la cultura italiana e un equipaggio di surfisti in cerca di avventure.Il film segue il surfer professionista, artista e ambientalista Chris Del Moro, nel suo viaggio per ripercorrere le sue estati d’infanzia trascorse in Italia e per scoprire la ricchezza che l’Italia ancora possiede. Accompagnato dai surfisti David Rastovich, Conner e Parker Coffin, Alessandro Ponzanelli, Lauren L. Hill e la giovane star italiana Leonardo Fioravanti, Del Moro scava nelle profondità dei vasti mari d’Italia e della storia gloriosa del paese e della sua gente appassionata, il tutto utilizzando la propria storia come sfondo struggente per descrivere la bella vita. Le onde italiane non sono mai state così invitanti !
Nazione: Italia/USA
Anno: 2013
Genere: Documentario, Avventura, Biografia
Durata: 82 min.


13 giugno 2015
Orario: 2:25 PM
Sala: TIFF Bell Lightbox
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Jason Baffa

Jason Baffa

Jason è un regista freelance californiano, originario di South Bay, vicino Los Angeles. Bella Vita, uno dei surf video di maggior successo degli ultimi tempi, è il suo terzo film indipendente riguardante il mondo del surf, preceduto negli anni da Singlefin realizzato nel 2004 e One Day California nel 2008.



co-presented with Surf Ontario


Born of mistral winds and witness to the birth of Western Civilization, the waves of the Italian coast have carried merchants, fishermen, travelers and kings. Preserved like a Roman ruin, the surf of the Italian coast now carries surfer, artist, and environmentalist Chris Del Moro on a pilgrimage back to his ancestral homeland to explore a culture where old-world-convention and traditional craftsmanship have matured into a modern surf lifestyle. Filmmaker Jason Baffa chronicles Chris and his friends Dave Rastovich, Lauren Lyndsey Hill, Conner & Parker Coffin and Italian stand-outs Alessandro Ponzanelli and Leonardo Fioravanti as they explore the burgeoning new surf culture blossoming among the Mediterranean’s oldest and cherished traditions – an intimate and powerful journey of self-discovery, seeped in culture and passion.
Pays: Italie/USA
Anneé: 2013
Genre: Documentaire, Aventure, Biographie
Duration: 82 min.


13 juin 2015
Horaire: 2:25 PM
Location: TIFF Bell Lightbox
-Reserve your seat –

Jason Baffa

Jason Baffa

Award winning filmmaker, Jason Baffa, has been working on his craft for over 30 years. On the heels of his independent film success with One California Day and Singlefin: yellow, Baffa continues to work as a director/dp and has shot multiple commercial and film assignments for advertisers, studios and other filmmakers.



co-presented with Surf Ontario:

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