The Wait (L'attesa) - ICFF - Italian Contemporary Film FestivalICFF – Italian Contemporary Film Festival

The Wait (L’attesa)

Director: Piero Messina

Cast: Juliette Binoche, Lou De Laâge, Giorgio Colangeli, Domenico Diele, Antonio Folletto

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Among the large rooms of an old villa ravaged by the elements, Anna spends her days in solitude. The rugged and beautiful Sicilian countryside surrounding the house isolates her while the slowly rising fog prevents the eye seeing any distance.

Only the footsteps of Pietro, the handyman, break the silence. All of a sudden, Catherine appears, a young woman who claims to be the girlfriend of Giuseppe, Anna’s son. He invited her to Sicily to spend a few days’ holiday together. Anna did not even know of Jeanne’s existence. Giuseppe is not there. His things are all in his room. The days pass, the two women get to know each other, they learn to wait.

Country: Italy | French
Year: 2015
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 100 min.
Production: Pathé Pictures


Date: June 15 2016
Screening Time: 7:00 PM
Location: HWT Centre
Language: Italian with English subtitles
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Only the footsteps of Pietro, the handyman, break the silence. And all of a sudden Catherine appears, a young woman who claims to be the girlfriend of Giuseppe, Anna’s son. He invited her to Sicily to spend a few days’ holiday together. The two women do not know each other. Anna did not even know of Jeanne’s existence. Giuseppe is not there. His things are all in his room. The days pass, the two women get to know each other, they learn to wait.

Piero Messina

Piero Messina

Piero Messina was born in Sicily in 1981. He has directed several short films and worked as an assistant director for Paolo Sorrentino on the Oscar®-winning The Great Beauty. With Sorrentino, Messina has further developed his cinematic skills. With The Wait, he delivers a stunning sensory experience in a quiet, poignant, poetic first feature.




Tra i grandi saloni di un’antica villa segnata dal tempo, Anna, reduce da un lutto improvviso, trascorre le sue giornate in solitudine. La campagna siciliana aspra e bellissima circonda la casa e la isola mentre la nebbia, che sale lenta lungo le falde dell’Etna, impedisce allo sguardo di spingersi lontano. Solo i passi di Pietro, il tuttofare, rompono il silenzio. Ed ecco improvvisamente arrivare Jeanne, una giovane ragazza che dice di essere la fidanzata di Giuseppe, il figlio di Anna.
I giorni passano, le due donne imparano lentamente a conoscersi e insieme iniziano ad aspettare il giorno di Pasqua.

Nazione: Italia | Francia
Anno: 2015
Genere: Dramma
Durata: 100 min.
Produzione: Pathé Pictures

Giuseppe presto sarà di ritorno. I giorni passano, le due donne imparano lentamente a conoscersi e insieme iniziano ad aspettare il giorno di Pasqua, quando Giuseppe sarà finalmente a casa.

Piero Messina

Piero Messina 

Piero Messina, nasce a Caltagirone nel 1981. Realizza diversi cortometraggi e documentari. I suoi lavori sono stati presentati in prestigiosi festival internazionali. È stato inoltre assistente di Paolo Sorrentino per il film americano This Must be the Place, interpretato da Sean Penn e il premio Oscar La Grande Bellezza.



Jeanne (Lou de Laâge), une jeune française, arrive à Catane. Elle vient rejoindre son petit ami Giuseppe qui habite dans la villa de sa mère Anna (Juliette Binoche). Mais Giuseppe est absent et Anna se montre peu, elle vient de perdre son frère, dit-elle, et elle est encore sous le choc. Jeanne est un peu perdue dans cette grande demeure isolée…

Pays: Italie | France
Genre: Drame
Durée: 100 min.
Année: 2015
Production: Pathé Pictures

Giuseppe ne devrait pas tarder, lui dit-on. Mais Giuseppe tarde. Peu à peu Anna sort de sa prostration et s’intéresse davantage à Jeanne, la fait parler d’elle et de sa relation avec son fils. Giuseppe veut-il se venger d’elle ? Les jours passent, Anna et Jeanne deviennent de plus en plus intimes et attendent ensemble Pâques le jour où Giuseppe rentrera.


Piero Messina

Piero Messina 


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