Quo Vado? - ICFF - Italian Contemporary Film FestivalICFF – Italian Contemporary Film Festival

Quo Vado?

Director: Gennaro Nunziante

North American Premiere

Cast: Checco Zalone, Eleonora Giovanardi, Lino Banfi

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Checco was born into a life of relative comfort and privilege among his peers in his small town in southern Italy. He is one of the lucky few to have a posto fisso, or guaranteed job as a public servant. When a new reformist government vows to cut down on bureaucracy, Checco is forced to accept ever-worsening public-sector postings in order to maintain his guaranteed pay, benefits, and lifetime employment.

Country: Italy
Year: 2016
Genre: Comedy
Running Time: 86 min.
Production: Medusa Film | Taodue


Date: June, 09 2016
Screening Time: 7:00 PM
Location: TIFF Bell Lightbox
Language: Italian with English subtitles
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Reception + Movie

Date: June, 10 2016
Screening Time: 9:00 PM
Location: Colossus – Cineplex
Language: Italian with English subtitles
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Date: June, 10 2016
Screening Time: 9:15 PM
Location: Colossus – Cineplex
Language: Italian with English subtitles
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Date: June, 10 2016
Screening Time: 7:00 PM
Colossus – Cineplex
Language: Italian with English subtitles
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Date: June, 13 2016
Screening Time: 9:00pm
Location: Cinema Guzzo Marchè Central
Language: Italian with French subtitles
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Date: June, 13 2016
Screening Time: 7:00pm
Location: Cinémathèque Québécoise
Language: Italian with French subtitles
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Date: June, 12 2016
Screening Time: 7:00pm
Location: Museum of fine Arts – Montreal
Language: Italian with French subtitles
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Quebec City
Date: June, 14 2016
Screening Time: 7:00pm
Location: Cinema Cartier
Language: Italian with English subtitles
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Niagara Falls
Date: June, 11 2016
Screening Time: 4:00pm
Location: Film House
Language: Italian with English subtitles
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While on assignment at Italy’s Arctic research station, Checco meets Valeria and falls in love with her. Checco cannot help but be enchanted by her Norwegian progressive, merit-based society. Ultimately Checco must choose between his secure yet parasitic place in Italy or a new and uncertain life with Valeria.

Gennaro Nunziante

Gennaro Nunziante

Gennaro Nunziante is an Italian director, screenwriter and movie actor. As of 1985 he emerged as the creator, script writer and director of the television programs featuring the comic duo Toti and Tata before working as a film screenwriter. In 2016 he achieves big screen success with Quo Vado?



Quo vado? racconta la storia di Checco, un ragazzo meridionale nato in una famiglia privilegiata, che ha realizzato tutti i sogni della sua vita, soprattutto quello di avere un lavoro sicuro nell’ufficio provinciale caccia e pesca. Un giorno tutto cambia. Il governo vara la riforma della pubblica amministrazione che decreta il taglio delle province.

Nazione: Italia
Anno: 2016
Genre: Commedia
Durata: 86 min.
Produzione: Medusa Film | Taodue


Convocato al ministero dalla spietata dirigente Sironi, Checco è messo di fronte a una scelta difficile: lasciare il posto fisso o essere trasferito lontano da casa. Per Checco il posto fisso è sacro e pur di mantenerlo accetta il trasferimento….al Polo Nord. È lì che Checco conosce Valeria, e s’innamora perdutamente di lei, scoprendo un nuovo mondo e aprendo la sua piccola esistenza a orizzonti lontanissimi.

Gennaro Nunziante

Gennaro Nunziante

Gennaro Nunziante è un regista, sceneggiatore e attore cinematografico italiano. Dal 1985 emerge come ideatore, autore dei testi e talvolta regista dei programmi televisivi del duo comico Toti e Tata. Successivamente inizia a lavorare come sceneggiatore cinematografico. Nel 2016 approda alla regia per il grande schermo con Quo Vado?



Checco est né dans une vie de confort relatif et un privilège dans sa petite ville dans le sud de l’Italie. Il est l’un des rares chanceux d’avoir un posto fisso, ou emploi garanti en tant que fonctionnaire.

Pays: Italie
Anneé: 2016
Genre: Comédie
Durée: 86 min.
Production: Medusa Film | Taodue


Quand un nouveau gouvernement réformiste promet de réduire la bureaucratie, Checco est forcé d’accepter des postings toujours aggravation du secteur public afin de maintenir son salaire garanti, les avantages et l’emploi à vie. Pendant son affectation à la station de Recherche d’Arctique de l’Italie, Checco rencontre Valeria et tombe amoureux d’elle. Checco ne peut qu’être enchanté par elle et sa société norvégienne, fondée sur le mérite progressive. En fin de compte, Checco doit choisir entre son lieu sûr mais parasite en Italie ou une vie nouvelle et incertaine avec Valeria.

Gennaro Nunziante

Gennaro Nunziante

Gennaro Nunziante est un réalisateur, scénariste et acteur de cinéma italien. En 1985, il est apparu comme le créateur, scénariste et directeur des programmes de télévision mettant en vedette le duo comique Toti et Tata avant de travailler en tant que scénariste de film. En 2016, il réalise un grand succès de l’écran avec Quo Vado?

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